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Help! I’ve Got A Stye in My Eye!

They may be unsightly, but styes are harmless and disappear on their own within a few weeks. Styes are caused by blockages in eyelid oil glands which prevent the natural secretion from those glands. Do not try to squeeze or pop styes around your eyes; as you run the risk of spreading infection.

4th of July Eye Safety Tips

From smoke bombs and sparklers to Roman candles and bottle rockets, you love celebrating the Fourth of July with a bang. Unfortunately, firework mishaps on the 4th run almost as rampant as sleeveless American flag t-shirts. 

Simple Steps for Treating a Shiner

It happens in every family – usually when you have a thousand other things going on.  One of the kids comes home from soccer practice or a friends house with a black eye.  Don’t panic. Here’s how we recommend treating eye bruising: First, check for signs of more serious symptoms. If the vision is blurred, double vision, visible blood,  or inability to move the eye, those could be indicators of a more serious eye problem. Call an ilumin ophthalmologist right away for medical attention.

Ready for fun in the sun? Don’t forget those shades!

Ah, summertime. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping sweetly, and with the rising temperatures, you love spending time outdoors. Just as we protect our skin with sunscreen before we brave the summer elements, it’s equally important to safeguard our eyes from the harmful ultraviolet rays that are part of sunlight.

Have Questions about Eye Exams? ilumin has Answers.

With over 70 years of combined experience and an unquestionable passion for advanced eye care, the ilumin physicians make it their mission to be the best eye care providers in the industry. Being the best means helping out, for example, giving advice about the basics of eye exams, as this blog addresses. Why is it important to have an eye exam?