Kugler Vision Modern Vision Solutions Ilumin
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Our Legacy

ilumin officially opened doors in 2010, but the legacy of the practice – the root of “the ilumin difference” – goes back more than 100 years.

Best Glasses for Computer Screens

 If you spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen, you may have experienced eye strain, headaches, or other discomfort. One way to alleviate these symptoms is by investing in a good pair of glasses specifically designed for computer screens.

Quick Tips for Cleaning Glasses

Despite our best intentions and hygienic habits, glasses always end up dirty. Dust and dirt in the atmosphere combined with skin oil inevitably cloudy your lenses and grime up the frames. Cosmetics, skincare products, and sunscreen add to the grime buildup, too.

Luckily, cleaning your dirty glasses is pretty simple and easy. But watch out—it can also be easy to damage glasses with misguided cleaning techniques!

Keep these things in mind to keep your glasses clean and extend their life.

Yes, Crying Is Good for Eye Health!

The term “having a good cry” seems a bit oxymoronic when you think about it. Most of the time, the things people cry about are anything but good!

But don’t fret. Crying is actually a highly specialized part of our biology that has evolved to serve some very important functions, like soothing pain and emotional distress. 

Simple Home Remedies for Dry Eyes

Between the cold and arid air, cold and flu season, and the biting winter winds, our collective suffering from dry eyes skyrockets during the winter season.

Unfortunately, the problem won’t simply solve itself If dry eyes aren’t treated properly.

Here are seven dry eye remedies to soothe those dry eyes from the comfort of your home.

How to Protect Your Vision and Eye Health

Resolving to be more intentional about your health in 2023? 

Vision and eye health play a huge part in your overall health. In fact, many eye issues can be a direct result of other maladies in your body. 

Here are six ways to protect your eye health and vision starting today.

Should You Get LASIK Eye Surgery?

Wondering if vision correction surgery is a fit for you?

Nearly everyone who wears glasses or contacts could be a good candidate for LASIK or another vision correction surgery.

Even if you’ve been told you are not a candidate for LASIK specifically, there is a good chance that one of the other vision correction surgery options like PRK, SMILE, and ICL surgery could improve your vision.

Here are answers to common questions to help you figure out if vision correction surgery is right for you.

Get to Know the Doctors: An Interview with Dr. Goldstein

Dr. Michael Goldstein loves his home state. In fact, he loves it so much that he found his way back even after living in Ja Jolla, Calif. He has even managed to stay strong in his devotion to the Huskers after some recent rough years.

Check out the latest interview with the ilumin staff featuring seven question with Dr. Goldstein!

Get to Know the Doctors: An Interview with Dr. Menke

There’s a lot about Dr. Brandon Menke that you probably don’t know, even if you’ve been a patient for years. This month, we sat down for an interview for a deeper dive into the life of Dr. Menke!

Dr. Menke talks about his life as a devoted family man, a Lieutenant Commander in the US Navy Reserve, and an eclectic foodie.