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Tag: Eye Exam

What is Refractive Error?

Clear vision is essential for daily life, but refractive errors can make it difficult to see objects at various distances. At ilumin, Omaha’s leader in medical and surgical eye care, we specialize in advanced solutions for vision correction. This guide explains what refractive errors are, their causes, symptoms, and the

Five Tips to Protect Your Eyes this Summer

School’s out, the weather’s hot, and you’re ready to hit the pool. As you race out the door, you run back for your sunscreen but what else did you forget? Studies show that exposure to bright sunlight not only increases the risk of skin cancer but may also increase the risk of developing cataracts, macular degeneration, and cancerous growths on the eye.

Eye Exam Basics

Did you know that your eyes can tell your ophthalmologist about your overall health? Learn what you can expect during your eye exam and the reasons why your doctor performs certain tests. 

Have Questions about Eye Exams? ilumin has Answers.

With over 70 years of combined experience and an unquestionable passion for advanced eye care, the ilumin physicians make it their mission to be the best eye care providers in the industry. Being the best means helping out, for example, giving advice about the basics of eye exams, as this blog addresses. Why is it important to have an eye exam?