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Should You Get LASIK Eye Surgery?

Wondering if vision correction surgery is a fit for you?

Nearly everyone who wears glasses or contacts could be a good candidate for LASIK or another vision correction surgery.

Even if you’ve been told you are not a candidate for LASIK specifically, there is a good chance that one of the other vision correction surgery options like PRK, SMILE, and ICL surgery could improve your vision.

Here are answers to common questions to help you figure out if vision correction surgery is right for you.

Am I a good candidate for vision correction surgery?

If you have improved vision with glasses or contact lenses, then chances are you would be a good candidate for vision correction surgery. It really is that simple!

So how do you know which type of vision correction surgery would be best for your eyes? A thorough examination will tell us which type or types of surgery would be best for you or if there is any reason you would not be able to have vision correction surgery.

If you want to find out, get started by scheduling an appointment today for an examination!

Is vision correction surgery safe?

As with everything else in medicine, there are potential risks with vision correction surgery.

However, vision correction surgery is one of the safest procedures in all of medicine.

In fact, studies have shown that the risk of losing vision from complications related to contact lenses is actually higher than the risk of losing vision from complications from LASIK.

If you have questions or concerns about certain aspects of different procedures like PRK versus LASIK, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We’d be happy to talk you through them!

How long does it take to heal after LASIK?

About one day!

Healing time after vision correction surgery is actually much shorter than many people expect.

This depends on the specific surgery performed, but in general, your vision will be good enough to drive to your follow-up appointment the next day after your surgery.

What are the differences between surgeries like LASIK and ICL?

LASIK, SMILE, and PRK all change the shape of the cornea; the clear front part of the eye. The shape of the cornea is changed in order to correct the focus of the eye.

LASIK is the most common form of vision correction surgery. A laser makes a small flap on the cornea, which is folded back while another laser inputs a prescription on the eyes.

ICL surgery can be thought of as implanting permanent contact lenses to correct the eye’s focus.

SMILE is the latest form of LASIK surgery in which a laser and small incision are used to remove part of the cornea to correct vision.

PRK surgery uses a laser to input your vision prescription into the cornea after the surface layer of cells has been removed.

For more details about each form of vision correction surgery, click here.

How do I know which surgery is best for my eyes?

Only a trained ophthalmologist can answer this question for you as a variety of factors play into the answer.

A comprehensive examination and detailed measurements of your eyes will allow us to determine what type of surgery is best for you.

To schedule an examination, click here.

Can corrective surgery fix astigmatism?

Absolutely! Astigmatism can be corrected by a variety of techniques.

Likewise, an examination will let us figure out which is best for your particular eyes. Click here to schedule your examination.

Does corrective surgery last for life?

The effects of refractive surgery do not wear off over time. However, the lenses inside of your eyes will change as you age, just like they would for anyone else who hasn’t had corrective surgery.

First, you will lose the ability to focus up close and eventually a cataract will develop. At this point lens replacement surgery can help with your vision.

Will I still have to wear glasses or contacts even after surgery?

The goal of vision correction surgery is always to get you glasses and contacts-free.

However, like with anyone’s eyes, your lenses age and you can start to lose the ability to focus up close. When this happens, you may need to use reading glasses. This is normal and can happen to anyone over time, regardless of whether they have 20/20 vision, wear glasses, or have vision correction surgery.

The good news is, when this happens, treatment is available.

Ultimately there may be situations where glasses or contacts are needed, such as prism glasses for patients with double vision, but this would be discovered during the examination prior to surgery on a case-by-case basis.

Finding out your best course of action for vision correction surgery all starts with an exam. If you have questions or you’re ready to schedule your exam, give us a call at 402.933.6600 or click here to schedule an appointment online